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inherited disease中文是什么意思

用"inherited disease"造句"inherited disease"怎么读"inherited disease" in a sentence"inherited disease"的同义词


  • 遗传病
  • 遗传疾病


  • Use of genetic methods to analyze protein function , gene regulation and inherited disease
  • The rate of polygenic and recessively inherited diseases tends to increase with inbreeding , because the chance that the two animals carry the same mutation is greater when the dogs are related
  • Huntington ' s disease ( hd ) is an inherited disease causing the death of dopamine - producing cells in the brain . its effects are progressive , affecting both mind and body
    亨廷顿氏病(简称hd )是一种可以导致大脑中产生多巴胺的细胞死亡的,可遗传的疾病。病情会日益加重,同时影响大脑和身体。
  • His research focuses on the molecular mechanics of pre - mrna splicing , the evolution and regulation of alternative splicing , and splicing defects associated with cancers and inherited diseases
  • Familial mediterranean fever , an inherited disease among people of mediterranean ancestry , is characterized by repeated attacks of fever and inflammation , commonly in the abdomen or lungs
  • Chelsea midfielder and england international joe is supporting the charity because both a relative and a family friend lost their lives to cystic fibrosis ( cf ) , the uk ' s most common life - threatening inherited disease
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